APSA Committees carry out a number of different critical functions for the association.
Wellness Resources

Marjorie Arca, MD
APSA Treasurer 2020-2023
Listen to Dr. Arca’s Journey
Pediatric surgery is the highest stakes poker game. When you win, you win big: the health and well-being of that child for the rest of his or her life. But when you lose, you lose big: the potential of that child’s life at its fullest. – Dr. Arca
Steve Stylianos, MD
APSA Foundation Treasurer 2021-2023
APSA Governor 2023-2026
Listen to Dr. Stylianos’ Journey
I assumed time would allow me to return back to normal. This did not occur. The missing piece is that I never spoke of this event out loud to someone who would understand the visceral aspects of what I was going through. – Dr. Stylianos
Vision Statement
The APSA Wellness Committee supports Pediatric Surgeon Wellness to ensure the best care possible for children.
Mission Statement
The mission of the APSA Wellness Initiative is to save lifetimes by supporting the physical, emotional and spiritual health of pediatric surgeons.
We accomplish this mission by:
- Encouraging awareness, promoting innovation, and supporting surgeon self-care
- Disseminating up-to-date continuing education on surgeon wellness, recovery from injury, and moral distress
- Supporting systems for community and peer support among pediatric surgeons, with specific emphasis on diversity, equity, inclusiveness and justice.
- Performing research to determine and then disseminate evidence based solutions to improve surgeon wellness
- Lead the way for other specialties by example as we create and sustain support for pediatric surgeons throughout the continuum of their careers.