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Safe and Effective Pain Management

SAFE & EFFECTIVE PAIN MANAGEMENT APSA is proud to have collaborated with the American College of Surgeons on the following resources you can share with your patients and families. Use these resources to create an open enviroment for discussion and education on safe...

APSA Guidelines

APSA GUIDELINES Approved Guidelines   Solid Organ Injury Guidelines (4/16/19; PDF 835 KB) Innovative Therapy White Paper (4/27/16; PDF, 492 KB) Optimal Resources for Children’s Surgical Care in the United States (Updated 11/20/14. Includes all three...

APSA Statements

APSA STATEMENTS Approved Statements Statement on Equity and Social Justice (6/3/20; PDF; 158 KB) The Right Child/Right Surgeon Initiative: A Position Statement on Pediatric Surgical Training, Sub-specialization, and Continuous Certification from the American Pediatric...

Surgical Outcomes

SURGICAL OUTCOMES The APSA Outcomes and Evidence-based Practice Committee aims to facilitate the efforts of APSA members, either individually or as an organization, and to develop clinical outcomes data and evidence-based recommendations relevant to the practice of...

Submission Requirements

SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A formal proposal paper stating the background, purpose, objectives, type of survey, hypothesis and specific aims, role within the greater research endeavor and design of the survey including sample size, mode of survey, strategies for...