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The Mature Minor

THE MATURE MINOR Cynthia is a 15-year-old girl who has now been hospitalized for three weeks. She presented to the hospital with bleeding per rectum for two days. In the previous weeks, she had crampy abdominal pain post-prandially. She has lost about 15 pounds. She...

Refusal of Treatment/Conflict Resolutions

REFUSAL OF TREATMENT/CONFLICT RESOLUTION George is a 2-year-old male that is brought to an emergency room by his mother after he was vomiting for a few hours. She had been told he had fallen from about 3 feet high onto his abdomen at his child care centre.He cried at...

Ethics Curriculum

ETHICS CURRICULUM APSA Symposium: Ethics, Professionalism and the Pediatric Surgeon Presented during the APSA 39th Annual Meeting, Thursday, May 29, 2008 The following three vignettes were presented as part of a symposium entitled, Professionalism and the Pediatric...

Ethical Problems in Pediatric Surgery: Bibliography

BIBLIOGRAPHY Chiu PP, Hiliard RI, Azzie G, Fecteau A. Experience of moral distress among pediatric surgery trainees. J Pediatr Surg 2008; 43(6): 986-93. CAPS Ethics and Legal Committee. The Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgeons’ position paper on the...