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Bylaws Committee

BYLAWS COMMITTEE APSA Committees carry out a number of different critical functions for the association.  Learn how to serve on an APSA committee Return to committee list The mission of the Bylaws Committee of the American Pediatric Surgical Association is to review...

Benjy Brooks Committee

BENJY BROOKS COMMITTEE APSA Committees carry out a number of different critical functions for the association.  Learn how to serve on an APSA committee Return to committee list Mission Statement To educate, inspire and support women pediatric surgeons to realize their...

Audit Committee

AUDIT COMMITTEE APSA Committees carry out a number of different critical functions for the association.  Learn how to serve on an APSA committee Return to committee list The Audit Committee mission is to review the audited financial statements of APSA, assuring to the...


FINANCE COMMITTEE APSA Committees carry out a number of different critical functions for the association.  Learn how to serve on an APSA committee Return to committee list Mission Statement The mission of the Finance Committee is to assist and inform the Board of...

Global Pediatric Surgery

GLOBAL PEDIATRIC SURGERY COMMITTEE APSA Committees carry out a number of different critical functions for the association.  Learn how to serve on an APSA committee Return to committee list The mission of the Global Pediatric Surgery Committee is to: Develop...