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ExPERT content is generated in response to practice gaps identified by APSA. Questions and discussions are authored and submitted to the APSA Professional Development Committee (PDC. Formerly CME and PSSAP subcommittees) for review. Each discussion contains the initials of the author and final reviewer.

There are no financial conflicts to disclose for any of the authors and reviewers below.

APSA is indebted to the following content authors and reviewers:


AB Alana Beres
AD Andrew M. Davidoff
AG Alejandro Garcia
AG Adam B. Goldin
AH Andrea A. Hayes-Jordan
AK Angela V. Kadenhe-Chiweshe
Ak/Ka Akemi L. Kawaguchi
AnGo Ankush Gosain
AR Ana Ruzic
BC Bill Chiu
BN Bindi Naik-Mathuria
BW Brent R. Weil
CC Casey M. Calkins
CGr Christa N. Grant
CL Craig W. Lillehei
CS Charles L. Snyder
DG David M. Gourlay
DL Dave R. Lal
DLe Daniel J. Ledbetter
DM David P. Mooney
DP David M. Powell
DR David H. Rothstein
EB Elizabeth A. Beierle
EC Erica M. Carlisle
EC-L Emily R. Christison-Lagay
FL Fawn C. Lewis
GA L. Grier Arthur, III
GM Eugene D. McGahren, III
HR Henry E. Rice
JA Jennifer H. Aldrink
JD John M. Draus, Jr
JG Julia E. Grabowski
JP John K. Petty
JW John H.T. Waldhausen
KA Kenneth S. Azarow
KD Katherine J. Deans
KG Kathleen Van Leeuwen
KH Kurt F. Heiss
MA Marjorie J. Arca
MB Matias Bruzoni
MeA Meghan A. Arnold
MH Carroll M. Harmon
ML Max R. Langham, Jr.
MM Milissa A. McKee
MoL Monica E. Lopez
MP Mitchell R. Price
PE Peter F. Ehrlich
PP Pramod S. Puligandla
RB Robert J. Baird
RC Robert A. Cusick
RD Roshni (Anusua) Dasgupta
ReB Reto M. Baertschiger
RF Richard A. Falcone, Jr.
RG Roshni (Anusua) Dasgupta
RM Rebecka L. Meyers
RR Robert L. Ricca, Jr.
RW Regan F. Williams
RWe Robert L. Weinsheimer
SA Shahab F. Abdessalam
SF Stephen J. Fenton
SI Saleem Islam
SL Steven L. Lee
SS Stig Somme
SV Sanjeev A. Vasudevan
TE Mauricio A. Escobar, Jr.
TL Timothy C. Lee
YG Yigit S. Guner